Growth trajectories and milestones for Renewable Energies

After an era of exploiting fossil fuels, will we succeed in switching to renewables as our main source of energy?
Transitioning to a low carbon-energy mix necessitates the electrification of our economy. To truly enforce decarbonisation, power generation must turn towards renewable energies. That is why exploring the potential of renewable energies and anticipating the future development of RES is essential.

Leveraging the latest updates on EnerFuture, Enerdata’s unique database providing long-term forecasts, Enerdata projected the scope of renewable energies up to 2050, as well as the consequential impact expected on decarbonisation standards, through a global perspective, at a country level view.

Join our expert led webinar on April 2nd – 11:00 AM CET and be a part of an in-depth discourse, quantifying the true possibilities renewable energies has to offer. Here we bring to you our insights at the economy-wide level through a global perspective.

During the webinar our expert will be addressing questions such as:
• What emission mitigation can we expect from the growth of renewables?
• How rapid does the transition towards renewable energy need to be?

• Historical trends for renewable energy development
• Current trends and project pipeline
•Medium to long-term trends for renewables
• Substituting renewables as one of the decarbonisation levers, alongside other pivotal strategies